BadaBing x Topper - 06/21/2012

The Brats!

Bing's pedigreeBing's CERFBing's OFABing's CEA/CH Test



Photo by Diane Lewis


For BadaBing's 2012 litter, we've chosen the outstanding little rat terrier, Topper, owned by Gail Mirabella. Topper is a first class athlete who performs Frisbee and trick shows with Gail's traveling canine troupe. Topper is a powerhouse in a very small package, with a ton of drive and desire. These pups should be small (under 16"). We love Bing's border-jack pups and think that the border-rat cross will produce small dogs with great working ability and athleticism, who also make excellent pets. Plus, doesn't everyone need a Bada-Brat?